Early Vermont Settlers to 1771: Vol. 2—Northern Windsor County
This second volume of 180 sketches covers the rest of Windsor County, organized by town and presented in alphabetical order by head of household. These sketches provide a better understanding of the outward migration from southern New England along the northern route to the early westward settlements in New York, Ohio, Michigan, and beyond.
List of covered towns: Hartford, Hartland (formerly Hertford), Norwich, Pomfret, Sharon, and Woodstock.
Surnames included: Allen, Babcock, Baldwin, Ball, Barrett, Bennett, Benton, Billings, Bliss, Bosworth, Bragg, Bramble, Brink, Brown, Burton, Burtch, Bush, Call, Carpenter, Chedel, Cheney, Child, Clark, Closson, Crane, Crary, Curtis, Damon, Dana, Davis, Deming, Dewey, Dike, Durkee, Fenton, Gates, Gillett, Harding, Harrington, Harvey, Harwood, Hatch, Havens, Hazen, Hodges, Holbrook, Hopson, Howe, Hunter, Huntington, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Jaques, Johnson, Killam, Kingsbury, Knox, Layton, Lee, Lull, Little, Lyon, Marsh, Martin, Mason, Matthews, Messenger, Miner, Morse, Murdock, Newcomb, Paine, Parkhurst, Partridge, Pease, Pinneo, Powers, Richards, Richardson, Robinson, Rood, Russell, Rust, Sanderson, Sargent, Savage, Sessions, Shepard, Slafter, Slapp, Smalley, Smith, Spaulding, Spooner, Sprague, Squire, Strong, Symmes, Taylor, Thatcher, Tilden, Turner, Udall, Waldo, Waterman, Weston, Wheeler, Whitcomb, Willard, Williams, Wilson, Woodward, and Wright.
By Scott Andrew Bartley
Published by American Ancestors in 2020
6 x 9 hardcover, 816 pages