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family register

Stories from the Archives: Family Registers

August 11, 2022
Judith Lucey
Todd Pattison

Family registers provide a snapshot of a family’s members, the vital events in their lives, and a listing of children. Made popular in the 19th century with the advent of American genealogy, these pre-printed lithographs or hand-drawn registers may be the only source of vital information when church records don’t survive, or civil vital registration had not yet begun. This session will look at several examples of family registers in the R. Stanton Avery Special Collections at American Ancestors, discuss what type of information you may find, and provide tips on finding examples at other repositories and archives. We’ll also discuss ways to preserve such items in your personal collection.

Research and Library Services
Judith Lucey
New England
Areas of expertise: Irish genealogy, the Atlantic Canadian Provinces of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia, and New England.
Research and Library Services
Todd Pattison
Art and Photographs
Todd Pattison, Conservator, works to preserve and care for the collection of books, manuscripts, and fine art.