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Critical Acclaim for the Great Migration Study Project

“The outstanding contribution made by Anderson in The Great Migration Begins is the painstaking analysis of the evidence found for each individual. Carefully weighing the data accumulated in the last century, he has uncovered inconsistencies and provided new insights, as well as confirming previous accounts. This extraordinary reference book will quickly become the first book examined in a scholarly study of the early colonial period.”
Marsha Hoffman Rising, CG, CGL, FASG


“Historians will welcome the initial publication of The Great Migration Study Project as the authoritative reference work on the founders and first families of New England. Noted for editorial thoroughness and candor, as well as for scholarly scrupulosity, these volumes correct and wholly supersede all previous genealogical compilations. I look forward eagerly to the completion of this invaluable series.”
Michael McGiffert, Editor, William and Mary Quarterly


"These volumes, as will future additions, offer a critical summary of a vast body of genealogical works and also act as a valuable guide to the published and unpublished sources on early New England. . . A section at the end of each sketch entitled "Comments" addresses matters that do not fit into the usual format. These comments are invariably interesting, in part because of Anderson’s sense of humor and skill as a writer. . .This reference work fulfills a far broader mission than the purely genealogical. It is a must-buy for libraries and is highly recommended for teachers. I urge my colleagues in colonial history to take a peek, but be warned: the sketches are addictive."
Gloria L. Main, University of Colorado at Boulder, The William and Mary Quarterly, October 1997


"It is no exaggeration to say that this series continues to be the most important work on the earliest New England immigrants since James Savage wrote his Genealogical Dictionary more than one hundred and forty years ago."
Joseph C. Anderson II, Maine Genealogist, May 2003 


“New England genealogy and history have acquired a new foundation with the publication of The Great Migration Begins. Only a few times in a generation does a work of this breadth and quality appear. The Great Migration Begins clearly ranks among the greatest in American genealogy.”
Henry B. Hoff, Editor, The New England Historical and Genealogical Register


“As one who has spent thirty years tracing the German Palatine immigrants to colonial America in the 18th century, I certainly can appreciate the hard work, long hours, deep thought, and dedication that have gone into Robert Charles Anderson’s monumental study The Great Migration Begins. Bob’s unsurpassed genealogical skills and years of expertise in chronicling these 17th century New Englanders have served him well in this remarkable project. He has shown, yet again, that in order to really find out about one family — all the families of a specific community should be thoroughly investigated. By immersing himself in their lives and times and carefully evaluating the myriad of historical sources that document their intriguing story, Bob Anderson has made these colonists come alive and created a magnificent work against which all future efforts of this kind surely will be measured.”
Hank Z Jones, Jr., FASG


"The highest tests of proof and probability are applied. It is an awesome and humbling performance. . . Publication of The Great Migration Begins is a milestone for colonial, regional and family historians. . . Henceforward "Anderson" will replace "Savage" as the authority of first resort, a new "marvel of the age" for a new century."
Roger Thompson, University of East Anglia, Norwich


"This work supersedes that of James Savage and Charles Pope. . . As the authoritative source on early New Englanders, Anderson has saved future researchers countless hours of work in dozens – if not scores – of genealogical and other materials. Just about everything they need is here. Painstakingly researched in British and American archives and thoroughly documented, the volumes are also judicious in their conclusions. . . The Great Migration Begins promises to become an indispensable tool for historians as well as genealogists."
Virginia DeJohn Anderson, The New England Quarterly, June 1997


"Anderson’s landmark work is recognized as a core reference tool that updates and supersedes previous books on Colonial New England genealogy."
Library Journal, April 1, 1999


“Is there anyone who knows the 20,000 men, women, and children who arrived in New England from 1620 to 1640 better than Robert Charles Anderson? One can almost imagine him walking down the street in Roxbury, Plymouth, or Salem in 1635 and greeting them all by name: “Good day, Goody Chilton.” “Good day, Master Robert.” What an inestimable service he has done any researcher by combining all the available sources, be they passenger lists, town records, land grants, or letters and diaries. No one could be more demanding or precise in his methods and evaluation of the evidence, nor more persevering and energetic in the face of such an enormous project. The perfect man for the job.”
John W. Tyler, Editor of Publications, Colonial Society of Massachusetts